~ Guide to Simple Mending ~
Printable Booklet
Mass consumerism is leading us towards
mass extinction.
Linear consumption ideology of ~buy ->
use -> throw away~ has violent material repercussions and must be rethought
urgently on a massive scale. Linear chains
of production rely on fracking the earth for
‘resources’ whose processes destroy delicate
ecosystems on which we depend for carbon
cycling, oxygen, and stable weather patterns. These ‘resources’ will be used briefly,
then thrown into massive landfills who also
displace and destroy ecosystems, release
microplastics into our soils and water, and
greenhouse gases into our atmosphere
through chemical decomposition and burning.
This system also relies on violent dehumanization of factory workers, and colonialist practices in waste exportation
that work to maintain systemic ignorance
in privileged consumer countries. This
wealthy consumer’s insecurity is vital
to corporate interest, fed by advertising
propaganda aiming to maintain hegemonic
ideal standards in beauty, class, race and
gender. Identity becomes interlinked with
consumerism, driving commodity fetishism
and trend chasing cultures, at the expense
of the rest of the world on which they are
unknowingly, and unchangeably dependent.
Overconsumption has violent environmental, socio-economic, and interpersonal
repercussions, and the fashion/textile industry is only one aspect of a much larger
system. This industry does have sustainable intentions; in providing everyone with
basic clothing, nor in protecting our precious and damaged environment by producing this clothing through circular means.
Failed by industry, systems, and corporations, this booklet aims to give every clothing-wearing individual the tools of basic
mending, and thus the power to limit their
individual consumption in textile industry.
Cash-driven corporations rely on our wallets, and we have the power to starve them.
By mending, we also gain the power to
denounce quick consumption culture at its
root, by growing meaningful, long-lasting
relationships with the material objects in
our life. By listening to our garments, investing time and energy to repair and care
for them, meditating with them through
hand stitching, and embedding them with
love, we create emotional longevity, and
powerful sentimentality - an adversary to
wastefulness. This is our second skin, by
mending, we learn to see it as part of us.
We believe the mobilization of mending
knowledge is essential, and should be
accessible and free to everyone. Please share, add to, photocopy, translate, plagiarize, republish this
Keep mending,
- the thoughtful consumer